Similkameen Transit System Alternative Approval Process

News Article


The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) Board of Directors is seeking the approval of electors through an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to establish and operate a Similkameen Transit system through the adoption of Similkameen Transit System Service Establishment Bylaw No. 3082, 2024. The AAP allows voters to show their opposition to the proceeding of a local government proposal.

For electors who support the adoption of the bylaw, no action is required.

The RDOS was approached by the Town of Princeton to assume administration and management of the Route 50 BC Transit service that operates in the Similkameen. The RDOS currently manages all regional transit services outside of the City of Penticton with the exception of the Route 50 BC Transit service. Transferring this service to the Regional District will result in streamlined transit service management and equitable cost-sharing for the Electoral Areas and Municipalities serviced by Route 50.

AAP information
The AAP requires that ten percent (10%) or more of eligible voters register their opposition in order for the proposal to not proceed without a referendum. All eligible electors in Electoral Areas “B”, “G”, and “H”, the Town of Princeton, and the Village of Keremeos are eligible to register their objection by submitting an Elector Response Form either by mail or in-person to the RDOS main office, 101 Martin St, Penticton, by Friday, May 9, 2025, at 4:30 pm. Elector Response Forms are available at the Town of Princeton and Village of Keremeos municipal offices, the RDOS main office or on the RDOS Regional Connections interactive website.

For further information, please visit the Alternative Approval Process project page on the RDOS Regional Connections interactive website or contact RDOS Communications.


Mark Pendergraft, Chair
Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen 


RDOS Communications
Toll-free 1-877-610-3737
