Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study call for committee members
News ArticleAt the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2023, the RDOS Board of Directors supported the Ministry of Municipal Affairs recommendation to adjust the study area to include those boundaries outlined on the attached map.
Two Requests for Proposals (RFP) have been issued by the Regional District for a qualified firm or individuals for the provision of consulting services for an Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study report(s) and a series of public engagement activities and consultations.
The Board of Directors also approved the Terms of Reference for an Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study. The first step in the process is the recruitment of a committee to work with staff and a local government consultant to guide the study. The committee is an objective fact-finding body. Individual members of the committee should ensure any expression of their personal opinions do not detract from the ability of the study committee to function as a neutral and credible conduit for information to the community.
Please visit the RDOS Regional Connections interactive website to view the RFP, Call for Committee Members, and additional documents.
The study area captures the primary growth centre of Electoral Area “D” and the community with the existing urban infrastructure (sewer and water), as well as the mix of property classes and population and development potential necessary to sustain a municipality. It includes established wineries to the south, and some farmland and newer wineries to the east (after the 2022 survey results confirmed their interest).
While boundary adjustments for the remainder of Electoral Area “D” are not part of this study, it should be noted that if a study results in assent from the citizens to move forward with incorporating the study area, outlying communities that were not part of the incorporation study may apply through a boundary extension process at a later date.
RDOS staff appreciate the time and efforts contributed by volunteer committee members during the Electoral Area “D” Services and Boundary Configuration Study and look forward to working with a similar committee on the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study.
In December 2020, the RDOS Board of Directors approved a request from the Okanagan Falls Community Association to support an incorporation study and sought approval for provincial funding to conduct the study. The primary purpose of the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study is to provide the electors within the study area with the information and understanding required to make an informed decision on incorporation. To fulfill this purpose, the Okanagan Falls Incorporation Study will undertake a thorough, objective and technical examination of the incorporation option and its implications for governance and service delivery in the area.
For further information, please visit RDOS Regional Connections at https://rdosregionalconnections.ca or call RDOS Communications at 250-492-0237.
Mark Pendergraft, Chair
Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen
Matt Taylor, Electoral Area “D” Director
Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen
RDOS Communications 250-490-4211
RDOS Communications
Okanagan Falls Incorporation Boundary Map