Water Systems

Water Updates

Please select a water system in the column on the left to view current updates or visit RDOS Hot Topics.


Region-wide water regulation bylaw

Bylaw 2824, 2019

Interior Health Authority Drinking Water Advisory app

Find information on water quality in your area of the RDOS

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Temporary Water Use Permit (Fire Hydrant Rental)

The RDOS will rent fire hydrants for various approved reasons, based on daily and weekly rates, which includes an RDOS Backflow Prevention Device. If you wish to request fire hydrant use at any of the Regional District water systems, please fill out this application form  and send to utililties@rdos.bc.ca. Once the rental request has been approved, payment can be made online or by cheque, cash or credit card in person at the office located at 101 Martin Street, during regular business hours (Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm). For further information, please call 250-490-4135.

Water Service Application Form

Please complete the application form and send it via email to utilities@rdos.bc.ca. Be sure to include your contact information.