Facilities & Amenities

The RDOS offers a variety of indoor and outdoor recreation facilities and amenities. Scroll down this page to search by area. Want to book an event? Visit the Event Bookings page for details.

Keremeos – Similkameen

Similkameen Recreation Centre

This facility offers year-round opportunities for recreational activity and sports. It includes:

Contact Us

311 9 St., Keremeos
Ph: 250-499-2400
Email: rdosrec@rdos.bc.ca

Follow us on Facebook


Affordable and fun 5-pin bowling with a digital scoring system in Keremeos at the Similkameen Recreation Centre. Great for birthday parties, family functions and group activities. Join the league or drop in.


New scoring system2

Contact Us

311 9 St., Keremeos
Ph: 250-499-2400
Email: simrec@rdos.bc.ca
Follow us on Facebook

Two-Level Gym

This two-level gym inside the Similkameen Recreation Centre, in Keremeos, offers a range of cardio and strength equipment, free weights, and stretching areas.


This is a largely unstaffed gym and office hours vary so call to arrange a pass purchase at 250-499-2400

Membership includes

-          Access from 5 am - 11 pm, 7 days a week and accessibly with an electronic pass purchased at reception

-          Two levels, multiuse court, basketball net (bring your own ball) and a squash court

-          Shower facilities being added in summer 2022


 Cardio room


Contact Us

311 9 St., Keremeos

Ph: 250-499-2400
Email: simrec@rdos.bc.ca
Follow us on Facebook

Climbing Wall

Similkameen Indoor Climbing

Located within the Similkameen Recreation Centre at 311 9th Street. Keremeos

This indoor wall consists of four faces and belay climbing only – no bouldering

For experienced climbers we have a club and for the less experienced we offer some drop-in and private rentals. 

Climbing wall Club

  • For all experienced belay climbers!
  • Just a few simple steps gets you access to the wall
  • How to join
    • Become an approved club member by taking a belay exam at the Rec Centre  - $10
    • Exam includes: communication code, BUS belay process, harness, figure 8 knot and 3 test climbs
    • Complete a waiver & sign you have read and understand the rules
    • Buy a gym pass or pay drop-in
    • Email afoster@rdos.bc.ca if you are interested in joining
    • Key details
      • Club members get access from 5am - 11pm seven days a week with a gym pass or they can pay a drop-in fee each visit
      • Nonmembers are NOT allowed in the wall with members
      • Minimum age is 14
      • An adult 19 or older must be present at all times
      • Belay test will be done annually for all members
      • Wall can be booked and bookings take priority

Other climbing wall options

  • We will continue to offer public drop-in as and when we can – contact us for spring/summer options
  • Private rentals are subject to availability


IMG 7290a3

Contact Us

Email afoster@rdos.bc.ca or call 250.499.2400 for more information




Okanagan Falls

Zen/Fitness Centre


This fitness space provides a pleasant and relaxed environment for a variety of programs. It’s well equipped and caters to persons of all ages and fitness levels. Visit our Events Booking page for information about booking this facility.

1134 Cedar Street, Okanagan Falls
Ph: 250-497-8188




Okanagan Falls Recreation Centre (School)

The elementary school doubles as a recreation centre on weekends and evenings. A commercial kitchen is also available.

1141 Cedar Street, Okanagan Falls
Ph: 250-497-8188

Email: rec@rdos.bc.ca.


Kaleden Community Hall

The hall is a self-managed facility available for rental for birthday parties, wedding receptions, family reunions, sports programs or other special events. It can accommodate up to 200 people, with a community  kitchen. Tables and chairs, dishes a sound system and other resources are provided. Find out more on our Event Bookings page.

320 Lakehill Road, Kaleden
Ph: 250-497-8188
Email: rec@rdos.bc.ca.

Book an Event

Would you like to book one of our facilities for an upcoming event? Visit our Event Bookings page for details.

Outdoor Facilities

Please visit the following pages. Information about the equestrian centre and watercraft storage facilities are located above on this webpage.