Business Licence Bylaw


The Regional District is proposing to implement a new Business Regulations Licence Bylaw in order to introduce licencing requirements for operators of short-term rental accommodations (e.g. "vacation rentals" and "bed and breakfast operations") in Electoral Areas "A", "B", "D", "E" and "I".

The Regional District considers the introduction of a business licence bylaw to be important in ensuring that the Board’s land use objectives, policies and regulations are being adhered to and that the benefits of such a bylaw are seen to further include:

  • confirmation that a business is operating in an area that has been zoned to permit that specific use (which is also generally related to ensuring that conflicts with adjacent land uses are avoided); 
  • ensuring that businesses comply with safety and health regulations, such as fire codes and building standards (e.g. creation of a “level playing field” as well as a framework for inspecting and monitoring business to ensure on-going compliance with applicable regulations);
  • providing another mechanism for addressing complaints or disputes involving businesses (e.g. reducing the risk of unlicensed or informal businesses gaining an unfair advantage over compliant businesses);
  • providing a source of revenue through licensing fees, which can be used by the Regional District to fund bylaw enforcement activities; and
  • facilitating the tracking of economic trends within the electoral areas through the creation of a database of businesses operating in the area.


The Regional District is proposing that STRs (e.g. "vacation rentals" and "bed and breakfast operations") be required to obtain business licences and meet, amongst other things, the following regulations as part of the introduction of a new Business Licence Bylaw

  • compliance with the provincial principal residence requirement;
  • provision of adequate off-street vehicle parking;
  • completion of a Health and Safety Inspection to ensure minimum health and life safety standards under the BC Building Code; and
  • provision of a fire evacuation plan for the dwelling.

It is further proposed that an annual fee of $500.00 be applied to an STR business licence and that the fines related to unauthorized activities by short-term rental accommodation uses under the Regional District's Municipal Ticketing Inforamtion Byalw be introduced and set at $3,000.00

Engagement Opportunities

Under Section 59(2) of the Community Charter, the Regional District must do the following before adopting a new business licence regulation bylaw:

  • give notice of its intention to adopt a new bylaw; and
  • provide an opportunity for persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw to make representations to Council.

While the Regional District will be directly notifying all current "vacation rental" temporary use permit (TUP) holders of the new bylaw and asking for input, feedback from others is encouraged and can be submitted electronically to by Friday, February 21, 2025.

Bylaw Status

DocumentsPublic EngagementRDOS Board Consideration

Draft Bylaws:

Business Licence Regulation Bylaw No. 3100 
(version - 2025-02-07)

CAO Delegation Amendment Bylaw No. 3033.01

(version - 2025-01-30)

Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3050.04

(version - 2025-01-30)

Municipal Ticket Information Amendment Bylaw No. 2328.05
(version- 2025-02-07)


Superseded Versions:

Business Licence Regulation Bylaw No. 3100 
(version - 2025-01-30)

Business Licence Regulation Bylaw No. 3100 
(version - 2024-12-19)

CAO Delegation Amendment Bylaw No. 3033.01

(version - 2024-12-19)

Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3050.04

(version - 2024-12-19)

Municipal Ticket Information Amendment Bylaw No. 2328.05
(version- 2025-02-03)

Municipal Ticket Information Amendment Bylaw No. 2328.05
(version- 2025-01-30)

Municipal Ticket Information Amendment Bylaw No. 2328.05
(version- 2014-12-19)

Public Feedback should be submitted to the Regional District by 4:00pm on Friday, February 21, 2025.


Feedback Form


Public Notice

Planning and Development Committee:

Administrative Report - Business Licence Bylaw

Administrative Report - Business Licence Fee

Administrative Report - MTI Fines

PowerPoint Presentation


Minutes (2024-12-19)


Bylaw Introduction (1st, 2nd & 3rd):

Administrative Report


Business Licence Regulation Bylaw No. 3100

CAO Delegation Amendment Bylaw 3033.01

Fees & Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3050.04

MTI Amendment Bylaw No. 2328.05

Minutes (2025-03-06)



Administrative Report

Business Licence Regulation Bylaw No. 3100

CAO Delegation Amendment Bylaw 3033.01

Fees & Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3050.04

MTI Amendment Bylaw No. 2328.05

Minutes (2025-03-20)

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