Electoral Area "D"

Current Rezoning Proposals


Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose

Current Development Variance Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose
 D2025.006-DVP  Rosie & Wes Thompson  162 Saliken Drive To increase the maximum height of two retaining walls in the front parcel line setback.

Current Board of Variance Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose

Current Temporay Use Permit Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary



Current Retail Cannabis Store Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressPurpose

Completed Rezoning Proposals

Project No.Zoning Bylaw No.OCP Bylaw No.AddressSummary
D2014.135-ZONE - 2603.02, 2019 N/A Hillside Development Permit Area Update
D2015.128-ZONE 2455.23, 2016 2603.07, 2016 District Lot 461, SDYD
(near Skaha Estates)
Rezone from LH to AG1 to allow 1-lot subdivision
D2016.002-ZONE 2455.24, 2016 2603.08, 2016 (various) Update of Commercial Zones
D2016.019-ZONE 2455.25, 2016 - 130 Apple Court, Heritage Hills Discharge of Land Use Contract
D2016.106-ZONE 2455.26 2603.08 1830 Alba Road, OK Falls Rezone from C7 to RS3 to allow a 66 lot subdivision (WITHDRAWN)
D2017.014-ZONE 2455.27, 2017 2603.10, 2017 170 Sunnybrook Drive Rezone from SH5s to RS1 to allow for a 3-lot subdivision.
D2017.062-ZONE 2455.28, 2017 - 2027 Carmi Avenue Allow a "kennel" as a permitted accessory use in SH1 Zone
D2017.090-ZONE 2455.29, 2017 - 4820 9th Avenue, OK Falls Rezone from C3 to RS3 to allow residential development.
D2017.148-ZONE 2455.31, 2017 - 2128 Beaverdell Road To facilitate a 3 lot subdivision
D2018.013-ZONE 2455.32, 2019 2603.18, 2019 781 Highway 97 To replace Land Use Contract No. LU-12-D-76 with an Small Holdings Four (SH4) Zone
D2018.028-ZONE 2455.33, 2018 - 102 Saliken Drive To allow for an accessory dwelling (i.e. "carriage house).
D2018.041-ZONE 2455.34, 2018 - 4844 & 4849 Bassett Avenue To allow for the development duplexes.
D2018.044-ZONE 2455.35, 2018 - 1752 Alba Road, OK Falls To allow a second kitchen in a principal dwelling unit.
D2018.052-ZONE 2455.36, 2018 - 737 Main Street, OK Falls To restore a duplex zoning to the subject property
D2018.066-ZONE 2455.37, 2018 2603.14, 2018 4850 Weyerhaeuser Road To allow for an approximately 50 site Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park. WITHDRAWN
D2019.001-ZONE 2455.40, 2019 2603.17, 2019 176 Chadwell Place, Heritage Hills To amend the zoning of the parcel to Parks & Recreation (PR). WITHDRAWN
D2019.006-ZONE 2455.41, 2019 2603.19, 2019 1612 Highway 97 To formalise existing service commercial business
D2020.015-ZONE 2455.43, 2020 - 5081 8th Avenue, OK Falls To allow for 30 unit multi-family residential building
D2020.016-ZONE  2455.44, 2021 - 1655 Maple Street, Okanagan Falls To rezong from I2 to General Industrial Site Specific (I1s), with the site specific regulation permitting "agriculture" / "greenhouse" as a principal use.
D2021.001-ZONE  2455.45, 2021 - 850 Railway Lane To convert existing commercial space to 5 residential units.
D2021.016-ZONE 2455.47, 2021 2603.21, 2021 4899 Eastside Road  To amend the zoning to allow for a donation of land to a conservation organization. 
D2021.019-ZONE  2455.49  2603.22 1830 Alba Road To permit mini storage and outdoor storage on the property (WITHDRAWN).
D2021.015-ZONE   2800.06, 2023  - 5356 8th Avenue To facilitate the development of an apartment building.
D2021.021-ZONE  2800.08, 2022 - 501 Eastside Road  To permit a single family dwelling
D2023.010-ZONE 2800.30, 2023 2603.24, 2023 1631 Maple Street To facilitate a subdivision
D2024.007-ZONE   2800.40, 2024 5300 Hawthorne Crescent To facilitate the development of 18 townhouse units.

Completed Temporary Use Permits

Project No.AddressSummaryPermit Expiry
D2021.004-TUP  2183 Carmi Road  Short-term tourist rental use of 3 cabins in B&B operation  January 31, 2024
D2022.015-TUP 3136 Vaseux Lake Crescent  To allow for a "vacation rental" use December 31, 2023
D2022.016-TUP 2155 Carmi Road To renew the existing vacation rental in an accessory building  December 31, 2025
D2022.020-TUP  2238 Sun Valley Way  To allow for a "vacation rental" use  December 31, 2023 
D2023.005-TUP  946 Main Street  To allow a "storage and warehouse" use  April 6, 2026
D2023.006-TUP  413 Hody Drive  To allow for a vacation rental use  (DENIED)
D2023.008-TUP  4633 Peach Crescent  To allow for a vacation rental use  December 31, 2023
D2023.012-TUP  5032 Seventh Avenue To allow five (5) RV stalls   July 6, 2026
D2023.027-TUP 3136 Vaseux Lake Crescent Renewal of an existing vacation rental TUP  
D2023.033-TUP  2183 Carmi Road Reissuance of an existing permit for a tourist accomodation use comprising three tourist cabins January 18,2027
D2024.001-TUP  2041 Carmi Road To allow an accessory building greater than 10m2 without a principal use on the property August 15, 2027
D2024.002-TUP  4633 Peach Crescent Renewal of an existing permit for a vacation rental use December 31, 2026 
D2024.019-TUP  5009 Veterans Way  To allow for a self-service beverage container recycling facility October 3, 2027

Completed Development Variance Permit (DVP) Applications

Project No.AddressSummary
D2021.015-DVP 1205 Maple Street  To vary the minimum front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 2.25 metres to formalize an accessory dwelling
D2021.017-DVP  5204 9th Avenue  To vary the parcel line (adjacent to Hwy 97) setback from 4.5 m to 0.0 m;
To vary required vehicle parking spaces from 1.75 per dwelling unit to 1 per dwelling unit; and
To allow back lane to be used as a turn-around space
D2021.030-DVP  425 Matheson Road To vary the minimum front strata lot line setback from 4.5 m to 0.0 m 
D2021.032-DVP 420 Panorama Crescent  To vary the front parcel line setback 7.5 m to 0.0 m to the outermost projection in order to construct a garage.
D2021.034-DVP  136 Chadwell Place  To vary the front parcel line setback 7.5 m to 3.9 m to construct a single detached dwelling.
D2021.040-DVP 3500 Highway 97  To replace existing sign with oversized sign for Ramification Cellars.
D2021.047-DVP 4705 Mimac Court  To vary the front parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 6.45 metres to allow for a dwelling addition.
D2021.050-DVP 1133 Ash Street  To construct a detached garage within the rear and interior side setbacks.
D2021.051-DVP 4629 Peach Cres  To reduce the minimum interior side parcel line setback from 1.5 metres to 0.24 metres.
D2021.053-DVP 5133 Seventh Avenue To waive the requirement to extend a sewer main as a condition of subdivision.
D2021.061-DVP 128 Kent Place  To reduce the front parcel line setback from 7.5 m to 3.75 m.
D2022.005-DVP 5013 11th Avenue

To reduce the minimum interior side parcel line setback from 4.5 metres to 2.0 metres;
To reduce the rear parcel line setback from 7.5 metres to 6.0 metres; and
To increase the maximum allowed parcel coverage from 40% to 58%.

D2022.008-DVP 3010 Carmi Road  To allow a deck on an accessory building.
D2022.011-DVP 449 Hody Drive  To reduce the front and rear setbacks for a principle dwelling.
D2022.025-DVP 420 Panorama Crescent  To reduce front parcel line setback 7.5 m to 0.0 m in order to construct a garage.
D2022.056-DVP   188 Eastside Road   To increase the maximum height of an accessory building to facilitate a new garage. 
D2023.001-DVP  960 Cedar St  To reduce the setback from the parcel line adjacent to Highway 97 in order to construct 32 townhouse units.  
D2023.003-DVP 2735 Green Lake Road To allow agri-tourism accommodation sleeping units to be constructed in separate buildings 
D2023.013-DVP  Phipps & Brooks To reduce the interior side setback (CLOSED AS INCOMPLETE)
D2023.015-DVP 577 Hody Drive To reduce the rear setback for a principal dwelling to facilitate a subdivision.
D2023.018-DVP  449 Hody Drive To vary the front and rear parcel line setbacks to accomodate a new single detached dwelling 
D2023.040-DVP  2131 Beaverdell Road  To allow a deck addition to an accessory building
D2023.041-DVP  162 Saliken Dirve Application Denied
D2024.003-DVP  1137 Maple Street Application withdrawn
D2024.021-DVP 1655 Maple Street To vary the minimum parcel size for subdivision to facilitate a 20-lot strata subdivision
D2024.033-DVP 1205 Maple Street To waive the requirement for underground pre-ducting along the frontage of the parcel.
D2024.030-DVP  4838 Bassett Avenue To vary the minimum front parcel line setback to facilitate the placement of a manufactured home and construction of a carport.



Completed Retail Cannabis Store Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
ERBN Green Cannabis 936-946 Main Street, Okanagan Falls  Non-medical cannabis retail store licence 
D2022.013-LCRB Esha Randhawa  #5–5350 Highway 97  To relocate a non-medical cannabis retail store license

Completed Board of Variance (BoV) Applications

Project No.ProponentAddressSummary
D2022.001-BOV Hubbard. Matt & Parker, Sharon 928 Main Street To undertake alterations to a legally non-conforming structure